Bacon to undergo throat surgery

Richard Bacon is to have an operation to remove a growth on his vocal cords. He told listeners to his Radio 5 Live show last night he will be off work for a month and will be unable to speak for a fortnight. He went on to post a photo of his vocal chords on the 5 Live website.

"I went to the ENT guy and he shoved a camera down my throat," the former XFM, BBC7 and Capital 95.8 presenter said. "I expected it to be the size of a pencil or something, actually it wasn't. It was about an inch wide."
"He dropped it down and I rejected it a few times in the way that you do when you put your fingers at the back of your throat. It really was quite an unpleasant process."
Bacon has posted a picture of his vocal cords on his page on the 5 Live website, which can be seen [link=]here[/link].

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