BFBS switches to national DAB

BFBS Radio will begin broadcasting on national multiplex Digital One, at midnight tonight. The station, which provides entertainment and information for the British Armed Forces, replaces GCap station Core which closes down tonight, and follows a series of station closures on the national multiplex.

The service is only a temporary trial, during which BFBS Radio will be carrying out research to assess the impact of broadcasting nationally across Britain on DAB digital radio. Longer term decisions about the station will be taken in light of this analysis.
The station currently has bases in eleven countries including Iraq, Germany and the Falkland Islands. BFBS Radio plays a wide variety of music, has its own news and sports service and specialises in on-air messages and requests between servicemen and women and their families.
"Our overseas programmes remain a priority for BFBS Radio" says the station's Controller, Charles Foster. "But the majority of servicemen and women now have their home base in the United Kingdom, even if they are on regular deployment to operational areas. Our new DAB digital radio service means they'll always be able to keep in touch with family and friends back in the UK wherever they are in the world."
The Chief Executive of Digital One, Quentin Howard, welcomed the switch on of BFBS Radio.
"If this trial proves popular and successful we would hope to be able to make the service permanent."

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