Maidstone's kmfm leaves town

The KM Group has gained Ofcom approval to move kmfm West Kent and kmfm Maidstone out of their broadcast area to a new studio complex at kmfm Medway in Rochester.
Plus, for 20 hours a day, programming on all three services will be shared to create a West Kent network.

Moving two stations to Medway would save the group £70,000 a year in leasing costs, which they say is vital for the business to survive, due to the company already being £105k behind budget for 2008.
In approving KM's request to create two networks for East and West Kent, Ofcom says the arguments made are sound in terms of cultural affinity and economic consideration.
"It is in KMFM’s favour that a certain amount of programme sharing has been allowed in the past with no significant adverse reaction, and a slight extension, along with the co-location, should not be detrimental to the character of the stations’ services," say Ofcom.
Sales teams for each station will remain within their own TSA.

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