John Thomson to host series on drumming at Absolute Radio

Actor, comedian and drummer John Thomson is joining Absolute Radio for a series of festive specials called 12 Drummers Drumming.

From Boxing Day through to the 29th December, the Cold Feet actor and accomplished drummer of 40 years will be celebrating those beat-keeping, cymbal crashing masters who hold music together over four themed episodes.

He begins with a look at The Rock Drummer, before moving on to Pop, Jazz and RnB.

Along the way he’ll be delving into the stories of drumming greats, including Ginger Baker, Sheila E, Phil Collins, Buddy Rich and Stewart Copeland, and telling us all why the drummer is the unsung hero of every band.

John said: ‘People know me as an actor but what they may not know is that I love drumming and drummers – that’s why I wanted to make this series about the most important member of any band.

“Basically, I’ve got to talk about drummers and drumming for hours and call it work! What a brilliant Christmas present…”

You can listen to 12 Drummers Drumming from Tuesday 26th December at 9pm on Absolute Radio.

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