Former Wave 105 shows extended to other Greatest Hits Radio frequencies

Greatest Hits Radio’s breakfast show and new local afternoon show on the former Wave 105 frequency has been extended to stations in the Dorset area.

In a unique move, Wave 105/GHR South retained its breakfast show with Rick Jackson when it changed name last week, but RadioToday can now confirm that show has spread to five other frequencies nearby, along with the new three-hour afternoon show with Mark Collins, both hosted from the former Wave studios in Fareham.

The station previously known as Wessex FM, covering west Dorset on 96 and 97.2 FM, along with former Vale/Gold frequencies of 96.6 and 97.4 in north Dorset have both switched from the national breakfast show with Simon Ross, to a more south coast feel.

And Wave’s former frequency of 105.8 in east Dorset, which was removed from Wave in 2022, is back in play with the former Wave presenters.

Nearby Greatest Hits Radio stations in Salisbury and east Hampshire continue to air the national breakfast show, and the South region’s afternoon opt-out with Martin Starke, also broadcast from Bauer’s Hampshire HQ at Fareham.

Whilst Bauer has rebranded dozens of radio stations to Greatest Hits Radio in recent years, it was thought Wave, along with Pirate FM, would escape the rebrands because of their size and popularity, but the decision was taken earlier this year to change them both.

A campaign, Save Wave 105, petitioned unsuccessfully for the decision to be reversed, and a new Facebook Group, Wave 105 Memories, has also been set up attracting thousands of listeners.

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