Founder speaks as Birdsong ends

Original Radio Birdsong recorder Quentin Howard has spoken out as Digital One today decided to remove the Birdsong service from its multiplex. The 20-year-old recording became much talked about in the nation's press.

Radio Birdsong – originally recorded in Howard’s garden in Wiltshire – aired as a test transmission for Classic FM before taking up its own channel on Digital One’s DAB multiplex.
Digital One has now replaced Radio Birdsong with a channel featuring unsigned bands, though the service will still be available via their website.
Howard said: "I am surprised the popular Radio Birdsong channel was removed without warning. There was really no need because Digital One has at least two spare and unused channels available. It didn't cost them anything, and I'd always allowed Digital One to use the famous recording without charge. To let people continue listening, I will now make this original recording available to buy on CD or download."

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