More Manchester for Radio 2

A Manchester production company has produced another music documentary for BBC Radio 2.
Made in Manchester has been commissioned to make a two part series for the network about seminal US singer Huddie Leadbelly Ledbetter.

House of the Rising Sun singer Eric Burdon is to present the series about the life and legacy of the US musician who has had a huge impact on music on both sides of the Atlantic.
“Bob Dylan, Van Morrison and Nirvana have all cited him as an inspiration whilst many others including Led Zeppelin, The Beach Boys and Abba have re-worked songs that Lead belly performed,” says Executive Producer Ashley Byrne.
The programme also includes rare archive of Lead belly performing during his New York radio show in the 1940s as well as interviews with Bryan Ferry, legendary record producer Nile Rodgers and folk singer and musician Arlo Guthrie.

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