No more mergers, Heart says

A newspaper report which said two further Heart mergers were waiting to happen is not true, Global Radio has said.

Global told that the Media Guardian misunderstood what Ashley was talking about – in the story which was published on Wednesday morning.

Founder and Global Group CEO Ashley Tabor talked about the two upcoming co-locates in the East Midlands for Capital FM (Ram FM and Leicester Sound merging with Trent FM), but the paper printed that [i]"he was looking at two more mergers among stations in the group's national Heart network"[/i]

Ashley also encouraged the BBC to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to DAB. He [link=]said[/link] he would not invest in new digital services until the DAB signal was sufficiently strong and widespread to match that currently provided by FM, and that is was the sole responsibility of the BBC to improve the DAB network.

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