Wave girls join panto casts

Two on-air voices from Bauer's Wave 105 are gearing up for a season of pantomime on the south coast.

Traffic and travel host Kate Weston's appearing in Peter Pan in Poole, while newsreader Shireen Jordan will join Radio 2's Paul O'Grady in Aladdin in Southampton.

Kate is set to play Mrs Darling in the production at the Lighthouse, Poole’s Centre for the Arts. She'll star alongside Debra Stephenson (Coronation Street and The Impressions Show), Gary Turner (Emmerdale) and Michael Absalom (CBBC Presenter).

Shireen will play the role of Slave of the Ring in Aladdin A Wish Come True, at The Mayflower Theatre Southampton. In this new and updated version of Widow Twanky, Aladdin and magic carpet rides, Shireen joins Radio 2 weekend presenter Paul O’Grady – who brings Lily Savage to the role of Widow Twanky – and former S Club7 singer Jon Lee as Aladdin.

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