Ed Doolan to cut hours at WM

BBC WM lunchtime presenter Ed Doolan has told listeners he's planing to step down from hosting a daily show later this year.

He'll move to a new Sunday morning show as well as doing the Friday lunchtime news programme – after 28 years at the station.

Ed said: "With the milestone of seven zero looming ahead there are some decisions that need to be made. I am not retiring, resigning or calling it a day, but I simply cannot continue the current work schedule of seven days a week – some live, some not – as it is unfair to those of you who have to prop me up."

He added: "I really want to have a go at the new Sunday show. It will feature material from my own archives, 'The Other Sides Of', some lively studio and phone-in debates, as well as consumer phone-ins. We're also planning a series of specials but more about that in September!"

Australian-born Ed moved to Birmingham in 1974 and after 8 years at BRMB, joined BBC WM for the hour-long lunchtime programme, which was repeated in the evening. He then did a stint on the breakfast show before moving to mid-mornings and is now currently back in the slot where he started – presenting the weekday news and current affairs programme between 12pm and 2pm. He'll continue on Monday to Fridays until the autumn.

WM Managing Editor Keith Beech said: "Ed is an important part of this radio station and I am delighted he has agreed to do the new Sunday show. When he presented that slot previously it was amongst the most listened-to shows of its day. I am sure that the new-look programme will be an appointment to listen for very many people across the area."

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