Apps and video help UBC Media revenue

A move into providing mobile phone apps has helped Unique and Smooth Operations owner UBC Media’s revenue.

But whilst pre-tax loss widened to £794,000 for the year ended 31 March 2011 compared to a loss of £445,000 the year before, the company has seen growth in its digital video and mobile business, which now makes up 11% of UBC’s £4.5m turnover. Overall, turnover is down from £4.9m in 2010.

Across its content businesses UBC supplies over 12% of BBC Radio outsourced production as well as supplying 250 commercial stations, and has 38 apps now in use in the UK with another 83 going live in North America this year. Mobile apps revenue stands at £0.14m, up from £0.01m in 2010.

Simon Cole, Chief executive of UBC commented:“In a tough year in the traditional media sector, we have successfully pushed ahead with ourstrategic objectives: developing our content businesses into digital video, moving ourinteractive business into mobile apps and removing our legacy digital radio liabilities. We endthe year a company with a reduced overhead base, rising revenues in the new areas of ourbusiness, a healthy cash balance and no debt or long-term liabilities. Our challenge now is to continue that growth and to use our strong balance sheet wisely.”

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