MORE FM get local vote

MORE FM has submitted its application for the new radio licence for Oxford and South Oxfordshire, with exclusive support from the South Oxfordshire area MP?s Boris Johnson and Ed Vaizey.

MORE FM aims to be the county?s first station for grown-ups, with a target audience of adults aged 35+. Boris Johnson MP told MORE FM; ?I am sure that your proposals will appeal, providing a service which would be much appreciated locally?; while Wantage MP Ed Vaizey has confirmed his support directly to Ofcom, the industry regulator.

The station has also secured the backing of Oxford United Football Club, the Oxford Times, Oxfordshire County Council and a whole host of local advertisers who want to see an alternative in the county to Fox FM.

Founding Director Steve Cannon said; ?We have done all we can to satisfy the statutory licence award criteria. The market gap was confirmed by our research and we are delighted that Boris and Ed and a host of other important local people have recognised the hard work we have put into our campaign to be awarded this licence?.

MORE FM will provide Oxford and South Oxfordshire an attractive variety of classic hits from The Beatles and The Rolling Stones through to Robbie Williams and Will Young, alongside comprehensive local news and information, including a service of round-the-clock news and information.

Steve added; ? We have submitted a bid that fits all the statutory criteria, with clear demand for our proposals, support from local advertisers and opinion formers and the backing and support of respected radio industry operators. We couldn?t have done more to show how committed we are. It’s now up to Ofcom to hopefully award us the licence in September!?

MORE FM?s team includes a mix of radio industry expertise including CN Group, operators of nearby Touch FM in Banbury, and committed local investors with excellent contacts in the Oxford and South Oxfordshire community. If awarded the licence MORE FM will be on air in March 2007.

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