BBC radio presenter hit by a police car

BBC Radio Northampton presenter Stuart Linnell has been run over by a police car on his way to host his breakfast show this morning.

Stuart, who is on-air weekdays 6am till 9am, tweeted: “Didn’t expect to start the day in A&E! But then I didn’t expect to be knocked over by a police car!”

The incident happened just outside the radio station 20 minutes before he was due to start his show and he took the opportunity to tweet from Northampton A&E about the service being provided. “First-hand experience of Northampton A&E proving to be very interesting – particularly as they undergo their CQC investigation!” he reported.

His programme was initially covered this morning by Ian Brown before Helen Blaby took over. Stuart sustained severe bruising to his lower back and pelvis, and cuts and bruises on his face and legs.

After being discharged from hospital, he told the BBC: “I am in one piece still, so far as the doctors can tell. But I am extremely sore and having to take walking very, slowly. One thing I’ve learnt is that a road is a very unforgiving place to land on.

“I will be back on air as soon as I can.”

Stuart also broadcasts on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire at weekends.

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Posted on Thursday, January 16th, 2014 at 3:12 pm by RadioToday Staff

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