AUDIO: Brand and Ross clip

The obscene voicemail message Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross left for Andrew Sachs has been making headlines around the UK, including on the BBC’s own television news.

The story, which details a phone call recorded and cleared for broadcast on BBC Radio 2, first appeared in the Sunday newspapers saying the BBC has received a complaint on behalf of Andrew Sachs about comments made in the Russell Brand show.
Today, the BBC has announced a statement, which reads:
“We have received a letter of a complaint from Mr Sachs’ agent and would like to sincerely apologise to Mr Sachs for the offence caused. We recognise that some of the content broadcast was unacceptable and offensive. We are reviewing how this came about and have responded to Mr Sachs personally. We also apologise to listeners for any offence caused.”
Brand and Ross recorded the phone call on the Thursday and it was broadcast on Brand’s Saturday night show on 18 October. The question of why such audio was approved is now being asked.

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Posted on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 at 1:56 pm by RadioToday Staff

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