Degsy rides again on City

Former talkSPORT and Century Radio talk-show presenter Derek Hatton will be back on air in the North West this week as part of a celebrity takeover of the late night show on Liverpool's Radio City 96.7.

Other stars covering Pete Price's show include Shameless actress Tina Malone, regional TV presenter Lucy Meacock and spirit medium Derek Acorah.

Meacock will look after the show on Monday night, followed by Malone on Tuesday, Acorah on Wednesday and former Liverpool City Council deputy leader Hatton on Thursday, according to [link=]Click Liverpool[/link].

Hatton said: "I've done radio most of my life so it's nice to come back to the city. I don't think it would have been as easy to say yes to had it not been Pete's show. He's part of the bricks and mortar of the area. It's an honour and a privilege. I'm looking forward to dealing with some interesting topics and getting some great guests in. Anyone I want to get in, maybe even Margaret Thatcher!"

Pete Price added: "Late night radio is a different ball game. You become the priest in the confessional box. It takes someone with life skills to host a show like this and I'm very flattered that all these celebrities wanted to be part of the show."

Former CityTalk presenter Will Batchelor will then cover the show next week while Pete's holiday continues.

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