Vanessa’s reaction to R2 debut

Vanessa Feltz has completed her first day of her new 'double-shifting' routine on the radio, as she took over as host of Radio 2's early breakfast show.

That was followed by her regular phone-in slot on BBC London 9-12am, which she'll carry on doing alongside her new show on the national station.

Interviewed for an [link=]AudioBoo[/link] straight after she came off air at 12noon, Vanessa said: "I'm feeling fairly buoyant but I don't know how much of that's adrenaline or a certain kind of shock. I got to the Radio 2 studio at about five past four this morning and I've scarcely stopped talking since. I can hardly remember my own name and now I have to write my newspaper column. So far my voice is alright but this is day one. Day seven or eight, who knows?"

Asked if she was driving the desk herself, Vanessa said: "I've got a man who does – I'm not spinning a thing."

Vanessa has taken over the Radio 2 early breakfast show following the departure of long-serving host Sarah Kennedy from the slot last year. Aled Jones and Lynn Parsons have been covering since Kennedy left in the summer.

Vanessa, whose show runs 5am-6.30am, added: "There are so many records yet there's no time. I'm so busy. What was I doing? I was in a frenzy it was absolutely manic. Canon Roger Royle came in, Chris Evans came in, Alan Dedicoat and Moira Stuart came in, it was like Piccadilly Circus in there. It was all good fun but it was very much the first day I do hope it's alright though."

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Posted on Monday, January 17th, 2011 at 12:40 pm by RadioToday Staff

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