Radio 2 to air Desert Island Discs special

Desert Island Discs with Kirsty Young

BBC Radio 2 is to air a special Desert Island Discs edition of its Friday Night Is Music Night show this week, which will feature live appearances from former castaways and some of their choices of music.

The programme is part of promotion for a special programme on Radio 4 next month which will feature the music the station’s listeners would take with them if they were cast away.

Radio 4 are inviting listeners to pick their eight Desert Island Discs and submit them via the station’s website. A 90-minute special called ‘Your Desert Island Discs’ will then air on 11 June at 9am. The top listener choices will be compared with the selections made by celebrities over the years. The most picked piece of music has been Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, selected 97 times.

Desert Island Discs presenter Kirsty Young said: “Every castaway is unique, but the one thing they all say to me is how difficult it is to choose their eight discs. Now the nation has a chance to share in the agony and ecstasy of making their very own selection.”

The Desert Island Music Night on Radio 2 will go out this Friday at 8pm.

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Posted on Monday, May 23rd, 2011 at 10:31 am by RadioToday Staff

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