Jonny swaps Radio 2 for the classroom

Radio 2 breakfast sports news presenter Jonny Saunders is to leave the show to take up a career in teaching instead.

He’ll be replaced on the Chris Evans Breakfast Show by Vassos Alexander, who joins from 5 Live Breakfast.

36-year-old Johnny said: “I come from a teaching family so it’s always been something I’ve wanted to do.”

He added that he wanted to teach English at secondary level and hoped to keep his hand in with his other passion – radio – by possibly continuing his work as a weekend sports commentator and presenter at BBC Radio Berkshire.

This is the first change to the on-air team for Evans’ breakfast show since it started last January. Chris, who previously worked with Jonny on Drivetime, said: “Five and a half years Jonny has had to put up with me. No one should have to go through that. I don’t know what crime he committed, but I’m glad he’s finally served his sentence. Now, whoever gets him next, in whatever he chooses to do, will be getting a helluva guy. As long as it doesn’t involve driving that is. My mum – on her mobility scooter – has an average speed twice that of any journey Jonny has been behind the wheel for.”

Jonny’s spent the last five years as a sports presenter at Radio 2, before that he mainly worked at 5 Live after joining the BBC Radio Sport team in 1999. Previously he worked as a sports reporter at Capital Radio.

Lewis Carnie, Head of Programming for Radio 2, said: “Jonny has established himself as a firm favourite amongst the Radio 2 listeners and will be sorely missed by them and everyone on the show, and we wish him the very best of luck.”

Vassos Alexander left 5 Live a couple of weeks ago after a two and a half years as sports news presenter on the station’s breakfast show. His departure even prompted a blog post by colleague Tim Peach, highlighting Vassos’ ability to flawless read scripts that seem unintelligible to others!

Vassos says: “I am absolutely thrilled and delighted to get the chance to work on such a prestigious programme, with one of the best radio broadcasters of modern times.”

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Posted on Friday, June 17th, 2011 at 9:42 am by RadioToday Staff

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