Radio Cymru guest edited by Radio 1 DJ

Radio 1 weekend presenter Huw Stephens has turned his hand to being a news editor, taking control of the agenda of BBC Radio Cymru’s breakfast programme.

The Welsh language station is handing over power to a series of guest editors over the next two weeks.

Huw – who also presents on Radio Cymru – picked the drought in Kenya as one of the topics for coverage on the Post Cyntaf show.

He said: “The situation in Kenya is constantly changing for the worse, and as news editor for the day I want to look at the country and what can be done to help.”

The programme, presented by Garry Owen and Nia Thomas, also included a debate on the Performing Rights Society in Wales. Huw added: “The royalties Welsh musicians are paid when their music is played on Radio Cymru has been reduced recently and it’s affecting the music scene.”

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Posted on Tuesday, August 16th, 2011 at 2:05 pm by RadioToday Staff

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