In pictures: #TeamGrimmy’s television ad

A number of pop stars including Harry Styles and Cheryl Cole have appeared in a new TV trail for the new Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw.

The trail for Nick’s new breakfast show, which aired on BBC One after Doctor Who on Saturday 15 September, also features Rita Ora, Hackney rapper Professor Green, grime MC Wiley and Radio 1’s very own Greg James and Sara Cox.

The video opens with Harry Styles with a Grimmy style quiff dressed as a one man band giving Nick a crashing early morning wake up call. After getting up he is helped by Professor Green, who lurking in his wardrobe helps him pick an outfit for the show, Nick then heads in to the kitchen where he finds Rita Ora preparing him some breakfast. When Nick steps in to his taxi he finds that Greg James is the talkative driver, whilst Sara Cox meets Nick upon his arrival at Radio 1, greeting him with a massive coffee to wake him up for the show. Cheryl Cole and Wiley also play their part in making sure Nick gets to the studio on time.

Short teasers featuring the musical stars have already been released with the video featuring Harry Styles becoming one of the most popular Radio 1 videos ever, notching up 822,900 views within a week since it went online.

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