Australian jocks prank call Kate hospital

Australia radio presenters Mel Greig and Michael Christian have made a prank call to Kate Middleton’s nurse, with Mel pretending to be the Queen and ‘MC’ as Prince Charles.

Althought the accents were questionable, the very nervous nurse seemed to believe them and had a chat, revealing a little too much information.

“She’s sleeping at the moment and she has had an uneventful night, she’s been given some fluids, she’s stable at the moment. I would suggest that any time after 9 o’clock will be suitable to visit… we’ll be getting her freshened up… Will went home at about 9 o’clock last night. She’s quite stable she hasn’t had any retching with me and she’s been sleeping on and off…”

The call is making news around the world including an article in the Mail and BBC Online.

The chief executive of King Edward VII hospital in London said confidentiality was taken seriously and telephone protocols are under review. A spokesman for William and Catherine said they would be making no comment.

Thanks to Radio Today Australia for the info.

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