Student winners to host shows on Radio 1

BBC Radio 1 is to hand over control of two shows this weekend to students who won at the SRAs.

The winners of Best Female and Best Male will cover Dev’s early show Friday and Monday morning, 4-630am.

bbcradio1Hattie Pearson, who was part of student radio in Manchester is on-air Friday, whilst Ethan O’Leary, originally from Cork in Ireland, was recognised for his work at Spark FM in Sunderland.

Ethan said: “The main reason I came to the University was because of Spark.

“A lot of people don’t realise before they come to Sunderland how influential Spark FM has become. When I turned up at BBC Radio 1 everyone knew about Spark. They can tell you things Spark has won and how influential it has become for the University, and you have to use that to your advantage.

“The radio station is a huge asset to the University and anyone who studies a media course, I would tell them 100% to go and be part of Spark. It doesn’t have to be a presenting course, it can be in a role suited to your field; take away as much as you can. I wouldn’t have got where I am or achieved what I have without my experience at Spark FM.”

Richard Berry, Senior Lecturer at the University of Sunderland, said: “Ethan has worked really hard to get where he is and as a tutor it’s been great to see him develop his skills and experience over the past few years. We’re all really proud of his achievement and I’m sure this will be the first step in fantastic career that he’s really earned.”

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