Nominees out for BBC local radio awards

BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Tees and BBC Radio Humberside will battle it out for “Station of the Year” in this year’s BBC Local Radio Frank Gillard Awards.

The winning station will be revealed at the awards ceremony on Thursday 31st October in Windsor. The venue reflects BBC Radio Berkshire’s success in the awards last year.

A total of 39 entries have been shortlisted across 13 award categories. Jonathan Vernon-Smith from BBC Three Counties Radio is nominated in three categories – “Best Presenter”, “Best Mid-Morning Show” and “The Ultimate Hot Seat” which rewards tough questioning of decision makers. BBC Radio Merseyside’s Tony Snell is nominated for both “Best Presenter” and “Best Breakfast Programme”.

BBC London 94.9 is nominated for “Coverage of a News Story” for its reporting in the aftermath of the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in a street in Woolwich. In the same category BBC Tees has been nominated for its coverage of a local family’s battle to find out what happened to their missing daughter and BBC Oxford has been nominated for coverage of a police operation and trial centred on child exploitation.

In the “Best Programme” category, BBC Radio Suffolk is nominated for its celebration of composer Benjamin Britten at the Aldeburgh Festival “Britten on the Beach”; BBC Radio Humberside for “The Letters of Kick Murphy” based on a series of handwritten accounts by a young sailor in Victorian times and BBC Radio Bristol of an outside broadcast for “Springwatch.”

For “Impact” BBC Coventry and Warwickshire is nominated for “Just the Job” – a campaign to help local unemployed people; BBC Hereford and Worcester for “The Lifeline Campaign” for organ donation and BBC Radio Kent for “The Dementia Diaries.”

“Journalist of the Year” will be fought over by reporters Tracy Gee from BBC Radio Leeds, Steve Becker from BBC Radio Lancashire and Julie Clayton of BBC Radio Cumbria.

BBC Tees, BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Three Counties Radio, BBC Oxford, BBC London 94.9 all scoop three nominations each with BBC Radio Humberside shortlisted for four categories.

Here are all the nominations:

Station of the Year
BBC Radio Humberside
BBC Radio Leeds
BBC Tees

Breakfast Programme
BBC Guernsey: Jim Cathcart

BBC Radio Leeds: Liz Green
BBC Radio Merseyside: Tony Snell

Programme Presenter{s}
BBC Radio Berkshire Andrew Peach
BBC Radio Merseyside Tony Snell
BBC Three Counties Radio Jonathan Vernon-Smith

Original Journalism
BBC Radio Humberside: Neets and Job Scams
BBC Radio Sheffield: across the station
BBC Radio York: across the station

Coverage of a News Story
BBC London 94.9 The murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich
BBC Oxford The Bullfinch trial on grooming and child sexual exploitation

BBC Tees Katrice Lee – a family’s battle to find out what happened to their missing daughter

Journalist of The Year
BBC Radio Cumbria Julie Clayton
BBC Radio Lancashire Steve Becker
BBC Radio Leeds Tracy Gee

BBC Coventry & Warwickshire “Just the Job”
BBC Hereford & Worcester “The Lifeline Campaign”
BBC Radio Kent “The Dementia Diaries”

Best Mid-Morning
BBC Essex Dave Monk
BBC Radio Cumbria Kevin Fernihough
BBC Three Counties Radio Jonathan Vernon Smith

The Ultimate Hot Seat
BBC Radio Suffolk: The Mark Murphy Show
BBC Radio York: Jonathan Cowap’s Big Conversation
BBC Three Counties Radio: The JVS Show

BBC London 94.9: Football League Final Day – after a year in which some of the biggest sport headlines happened in London.

BBC Oxford: The Team That Never Was – the story of millionaire publisher Robert Maxwell’s plans to merge Oxford United the club with local rivals Reading FC in 1983.
BBC Tees: Spennymoor Town at Wembley – the story of how a team from a town with a population of 18 000 won the FA Vase at Wembley Stadium.

Best Programme
BBC Radio Bristol The Laura Rawlings Show live from the set of “Springwatch”

BBC Radio Humberside The Kick Murphy Letters – A Victorian Teenagers Life at Sea

BBC Radio Suffolk Britten on the Beach

Faith Programming
BBC Radio Lancashire
BBC London 94.9 – Inspirit with Jumoké Fashola

BBC Radio Nottingham

Station Promotion Campaign
BBC Hereford and Worcester – A Flag for Worcestershire
BBC Radio Humberside – The Class of Radio Humberside
BBC Oxford – Big Tour of Oxfordshire

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