Verifier awards for Radioskills trainers

Two of Radioskills’ trainers have earnt Internal Verifier awards for the Scottish Qualifications Authority.

Ginno Conti and James Macdonald have been passing on their knowledge to radio students at Radioskills – the charity set up by Moray Firth Radio to provide radio training for locals .

Past students, including MFR’s ‘Hometime’ host Jodie, have benefitted from their broadcasting expertise.

Executive Manager of HiMATS (Highland and Moray Accredited Training Services), Sandra Tucker, has been involved with Ginno and James’ training as their Assessor and is impressed by how they support their candidates towards becoming successful radio professionals and the dedication they have shown to the training they deliver by undertaking additional awards.

She said: “The uniqueness of MFMT’s bespoke course probably means that they are among a very select few radio presenters who have such awards and I have been impressed by the way they have tackled this in addition to their everyday work.”

Applications are still being accepted for next year’s Certificate in Radio Broadcasting course and forms can be downloaded from the Radioskills website at

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Posted on Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 at 1:04 pm by RadioToday Staff

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