Sara Cox jokes about taking over Radio 2 breakfast

Sara Cox made light of the BBC Radio 2 Breakfast situation this morning by joking about taking over the programme from Chris Evans.

Whilst Chris was busy with childbirth, Sara covered the show on Thursday but started by saying “This is your brand new Radio 2 Breakfast Show… I’d like to thank my mum for her support…” before being interrupted by a producer saying it’s only for one day.

Later in the show, Sara added: “I’ve not got a scooby doo what’s happening.. I don’t know if it’s a two horse race or it could be like the Grand National, there could be dozens of people trying to get this job. The race might already have been won, we just don’t know.”

Sara was covering for Chris Evans, whilst his wife Natasha Shishmanian gave birth to their twins on Wednesday night just after 10pm. Both Ping and Pong arrived well within 12 minutes of each other, a girl and a boy.

Chris is expected to return on Friday morning.

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Posted on Thursday, September 20th, 2018 at 11:14 am by RadioToday Staff

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