Eagle Radio to host Radiothon to raise money for charity

Eagle Radio is to host a Radiothon for 12 hours starting on Friday 24th May to help raise money for charity.

It will support local charity Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care, which this year celebrates its 40th anniversary.

The Eagle team have set themselves a target of raising £40,000 to help fund one of Phyllis Tuckwell’s nurses, who provide supportive and compassionate end of life care to patients and families across West Surrey and North East Hampshire.

Fundraising initiatives include Eagle Radio`s listeners being able to request a song dedication in return for a donation as well as the chance to bid for money can`t buy auction items. Local schools and businesses will also be supporting the appeal with fundraising activities taking place during the day.

The 12 hour, live Radiothon broadcast takes place from 7am to 7pm. Staff, volunteers and supporters of Phyllis Tuckwell will also be participating in the day.

Eagle Radio`s Managing Director, Paul Marcus, is looking forward to the day and believes the ambitious fundraising target can be reached. “It never ceases to amaze me how many people`s lives in Surrey and Hampshire have been touched by this amazing local charity. This is our chance as a community to say thank you!”

Phyllis Tuckwell’s Head of Income Generation, Peter Foxton, says “We would like to thank Eagle Radio for supporting us in our 40th anniversary year with this fantastic Radiothon. Our nurses are wonderful and the care they provide is so important. The money raised will help us to provide more of this vital nursing care for local people who are living with an advanced or terminal illness, on our In-Patient Unit, through our Living Well sessions, and in patients’ own homes and care homes.”

Eagle Radio Breakfast show presenter, Bev Hunter, has organised the day and explained that there may be a few surprises during the Radiothon: “You never quite know what might happen on the day-whether that`s an unexpected donation or a surprise visit or two. Whatever happens we will be having a lot of fun and hopefully raising lots of money for a fantastic local charity.”

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Posted on Tuesday, May 7th, 2019 at 3:03 pm by RadioToday Staff

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