Yeovil radio show debut for 16 year old school pupil

Yeovil’s new local community station Radio Ninesprings gave a 16-year-old his own two-hour show to mark Local Radio Day.

Jake Hunter made his debut solo radio presenting appearance on the Drive show last week, introducing all the songs and entertaining listeners with local chat.

Jake said: “My ambition is to become a full-time Radio and TV Presenter when I leave school and it’s great that Radio Ninesprings is giving me my first big break on Local Radio Day. I’m really excited about presenting my first live radio show.”

Radio Ninesprings Station Manager, Steve Haigh told RadioToday: “Lots of young people contact us wanting to be DJs but Jake has stood out as someone who might just make it to the top.

“We’re glad to be giving him this opportunity, as we want to give young people the chance to broadcast and develop media skills. We feel sure Jake will prove a big hit with our listeners.”

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