Louise Cooper and Mickey Clarke to leave 5 Live

Sean Farrington will be the sole presenter of Wake Up To Money from March as BBC Radio 5 Live confirms Louise Cooper and Mickey Clarke are leaving.

The changes are part of the ongoing BBC cuts, which also includes the end of Mornings Reports, as revealed by RadioToday last week.

A BBC spokesperson told us: “Louise and Mickey are brilliant journalists who will be missed by listeners and colleagues alike. Mickey has been at the station since it started in 1994 and is a 5 Live legend.

“Louise is a great broadcaster who has made a superb contribution to Wake Up To Money. We wish them both well for the future. The programme will continue to provide the best business, work and consumer news each morning and will now be extended by 15 minutes from April.”

At the moment, the programme is presented by Sean with Louise Cooper (Mondays and Tuesdays) and Sean and Mickey Clarke (Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays).

Sean will present solo from March 2020 but regular contributor Rico Hizon in Singapore will still be part of the programme.

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Posted on Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 at 12:58 pm by Roy Martin

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