Radio stations to unite with You’ll Never Walk Alone

You’ll Never Walk Alone will be played out simultaneously on a number of radio stations this Friday morning.

NPO 3FM presenter Sander Hoogendoorn had the idea to bring all radio stations in the Netherlands together during the corona crisis, but now BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2 and dozens more across Europe are joining in.

Bauer’s Greatest Hits Radio will play the tune during Breakfast with Simon Ross from Liverpool, along with the Breakfast shows on Hits Radio stations in England, plus Country Hits Radio.

It’ll happen at 8.45am in the Netherlands, which will be 7.45am in the UK.

Sander said: “This crisis shows that it brings people together. We all have to put our shoulders to the wheel to get out of this. Mark Rutte said it before. Then I thought, we cannot have the same morning shows in the Netherlands turn a picture over time?”

The song, by Liverpool band Gerry and the Pacemakers, is synonymous with Liverpool FC and other football clubs around the world.

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Posted on Thursday, March 19th, 2020 at 3:37 pm by Roy Martin

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