Lymm Radio awarded National Lottery Community Fund grant

Lymm Radio in South Cheshire has been awarded £9,950 from The National Lottery Community Fund.

The money will be used by the station to hire its first Radio Manager to improve shows and listenership, and gain new advertising and sponsorship.

This grant will also allow the station to purchase outside broadcasting equipment and replace some much used, pre-owned and donated equipment.

Station Managing Director Paul Smith said: “Lymm Radio’s goal of delivering high quality output has been given a big boost by this grant from the National Lottery. The station is going from strength to strength and with our move to DAB at the end of the year, this funding will be vital to help us develop both on and off the air.

“This award goes to show that all the volunteer hard work is paying off and the growth of our audience month-on-month is proof of that. We continue to work towards becoming THE local radio station for Warrington and North East Cheshire by offering a local, accessible and entertaining radio service which our audience can rely on and trust.”

Founding Director Ian James said “In the two-year journey from a small online station broadcasting from our spare room, to being on the verge of DAB, Lymm Radio is bringing back local radio to Cheshire.

“The large radio groups have long cut local services to the bone, which I believe is why Lymm Radio is going from strength-to-strength broadcasting to our local community.”

Photo: The Lymm Radio team is joined by village residents to celebrate the news.

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Posted on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 at 1:25 pm by Lee Price

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