Wiltshire Radio remembered at 40th anniversary reunion event

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the launch of Wiltshire Radio a reunion was held in Royal Wootton Bassett over the weekend.

One of the original presenters, Carl Emms aka Carlos (now on Heart 70s Breakfast), attended with his original WR jacket and reported back to RadioToday:

“Last week saw the 40th anniversary of the launch of Wiltshire Radio – the station that within three years had morphed into GWR.

To mark the occasion some of the original management team organised a celebratory evening held at The Angel Hotel on the High St in Royal Wootton Bassett, a stone’s throw from the Lime Kiln Studios – home to WR & GWR from 1981 until they moved to West Swindon.

Organised by Quentin Howard (Original Chief Engineer) Simon Cooper (Original Breakfast Show Presenter; WR-AM) Simon Ward (Original Drive Presenter; WR-PM) and Ralph Bernard.

In excess of 60 attendees… amongst them many Radio West employees who were part of the early days of GWR when the transition took place.

There was a quiz based on WR facts … hosted by Quentin and Glen Thompsett (presenters of the Quen & Glen Show at station launch).

My team come a close second in the quiz… thanks to me knowing both Radio West & WR postcodes for The Watershed & Lime Kiln and because I knew the first David Arnold Jingles with the RPO were for Essex Radio in 81 – NOT WR!

In attendance were former WR presenters Johnnie Walker, Bob Harris, Dave Bowen, Simon Cooper, Steve Orchard & Carlos in addition to former Radio West presenters including Mark Seaman, Andy Westgate & John Ford. Many former journalists attended too – including BBC Health Editor Hugh Pym, James Cameron, Les Skipper, Steve Brodie and BBC South Reporter Steve Humphrey. Part of the evening was dedicated to employees who have died too.

Attendees were encouraged to share their memories and many took to the stage – the most colourful reminiscences came from Johnnie Walker telling his story of being headhunted from Radio West by Ralph Bernard.

Partygoers found Johnnie’s recollections very amusing – especially his brutal honesty of his relationship with Ralph, whilst also expressing his sincere gratitude for being taught how to adapt his presentation style to incorporate speech and music in a way never previously done on commercial radio at the time.

Guests received commemorative chocolate bars, coffee and other gifts.

A video wall displayed dozens of photographs from those early days in the early 80s – many proved amusingly embarrassing for those in attendance.

Quentin also told the story of when the first WR jingles were being recorded in London with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra …at the end of the day when recording the WR 3-minute theme a cleaner was heard whistling the tune – Quentin said it was proof they’d got it right as it had passed – at which point he turned to Bob Harris who responded with “The Old Grey Whistle Test”.

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Posted on Thursday, October 20th, 2022 at 12:00 pm by Guest

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