Traffic Scotland launches web radio stream

Travel news provider Trafficlink has launched a new radio service with Traffic Scotland to provide national traffic bulletins on a web stream and smartphone apps.

Information on the station, called Traffic Scotland Radio is updated three times an hour, with the people behind it saying the frequency will increase during extreme winter weather or major incidents.

The bulletins are pre-recorded by broadcasters at Trafficlink who are based in the Traffic Scotland Control Centre in Glasgow.

As well as a web stream, Traffic Scotland Radio is accessible through smartphone radio apps like Tunein as well as through the Traveline Scotland smartphone app.

Joanne Eadie, Manager at Trafficlink Glasgow said: “We are really excited to be providing the Traffic Scotland Radio service to Transport Scotland and travellers in Scotland. We have always had an excellent relationship with Traffic Scotland as our Scottish office is based in their control room. We work closely with them to ensure that accurate and timely information is available to all our clients and in turn the public in Scotland.”

Scotland’s Transport Minister Keith Brown added: “Following last year’s severe wintry weather, the Scottish Government has worked with agencies across the public, private and voluntary sectors to improve resilience for the people who live and work in Scotland. Efforts have included enhancing the information available for people on the move and the travel tools. Drivers must play their part too, advance planning is essential for really bad weather conditions when journeys can take longer than expected. The new internet radio service will broadcast travel bulletins three times an hour during peak times and twice an hour during off peak. During events such as extreme weather, there will be more frequent broadcasts.”

In September, Trafficlink launched an England-wide online radio station called Travel Radio which was seen as a replacement for Highways Agency-funded Traffic Radio that closed in the summer after government funding for the project came to an end.

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Posted on Thursday, November 24th, 2011 at 3:01 pm by RadioToday Staff

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