BBC Local Radio streamlines Sunday night

Programmes serving Asian, African Caribbean and Chinese audiences on BBC local radio stations are to be broadcast in a new Sunday evening time slot.

The specialist shows will be broadcast between 6 and 10 pm, the BBC says, to reflect a growing demand for news and journalism in a regular and accessible time slot.

“The programmes will focus on journalism relating to these communities and each programme will contribute to peak time weekday output. As more of our audiences catch up with our content online, two new web pages showcasing stories and clips from the enhanced local radio Asian and African and Caribbean programmes will be available on the web from 14 January.”

These changes are in addition to the new weekday evening show, networked across all 39 stations Monday to Friday, and the new BBC Introducing show each Saturday – both from 7pm till 10pm.

David Holdsworth, Controller, English Regions, said: “These schedule changes reflect the ambition of BBC Local Radio to serve communities with the best local journalism, and reflecting the lives and interests of our listeners.”

Full schedules for all 39 BBC Local Radio stations will be published in the new year.

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