Virtual radio quiz happening tonight via Zoom

If you know your 275 from your 285, and your Beacon from your BRMB, then you need to be wearing your favourite radio station branding and be on Zoom at 8.05pm today.

Self-confessed radio geeks Samuel Bailey and Stephanie Hirst have put together the event to see who is finally, officially crowned as Radio Nerd of the Year.

Needless to say, some of the RadioToday team will be taking part, and we hope you’ll be joining in too.

It’s just about radio – so make sure you brush up on your knowledge of jingles, logos and frequencies before 2005 hrs.

There’ll be a RadioToday round on recent radio news and a real geek round from the team at JingleMad as well.

You’ll need to Zoom app – then this address.

See you there.

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