Local BBC Radio to support children’s mental health organisations

Local BBC radio stations are promoting opportunities to volunteer with organisations through the ‘Make a Difference Happy Heads’ campaign, to support children and young people’s mental health and well-being.

All 39 stations will be promoting these roles on-air and online and encouraging audiences to volunteer via the BBC Make a Difference website.

Recent data published by BBC Children in Need found that more than two-thirds of children and young people (68%) aged 11-18 believe that young people’s mental health in general has got worse as a result of the pandemic, with one in three (34%) not feeling comfortable to ask for help if they needed it.

BBC Children in Need is partnering with BBC England’s Make a Difference Happy Heads campaign to provide links to local charities and organisations that can offer support.

Head of Audio and Digital for BBC England, Chris Burns said: “The pandemic has been a difficult time for many and children have particularly been affected.

“We hope that this initiative being run across Local BBC Radio as part of Make a Difference will go some way to helping those who need support.”

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