BBC Radio 2 celebrates Vernon Kay’s 50th birthday live on air

This Sunday, Vernon Kay reaches the Big 5-0, so on his Radio 2 show today, his colleagues and many others celebrated him reaching his half century!
Gaby Roslin, who is sitting in for Zoe Ball this week, and the Radio 2 Breakfast Show team sang Happy Birthday to Vernon as she handed over to him at the end of the show.
During his programme he was played the Radio 2 Superstar Singers performing Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday.
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There were also some specially recorded messages wishing him a happy big birthday.
Bolton Wanderer’s FC Captain Ricardo Santos said: “Hi Vernon, Rico here, Wanderers’ Captain. I heard you’re having your big 5-0. Looking good! Just want to wish you all the best from the boys and hope you enjoy your birthday.”
June Sarpong, who sang happy birthday to you, to Vernon and said: “Happy birthday darling. You will forever be my TV husband. The big 5-0, I cannot believe it. I can’t believe we’re in that territory now, though obviously you do not look a day over 25.
“Adore you, you are one in a million and I hope you have an amazing day. Lots of love, love to Tess and the girls and, of course, to Gladys and Norman. Mwah, big kiss.”
Shed 7’s Rick Witter said: “How are you doing my friend? Myself and the rest of the Shed’s would like to wish you an absolutely amazing 50th birthday. How’s it got to this? Have an absolutely great day mate. Thank you for the support over the years. Look after yourself and please responsibly! See you soon.”
Vernon was also played a montage of messages from teachers and pupils at his old school, St Joseph’s RC High in Horwich, starting with the Head, who said: “Vernon, as the Head Teacher of your old secondary school, St Joseph’s, I know that your legacy still stands in this school, and because ‘Once a Joey, always a Joey’ there are a few special people who would like to wish you half way to a hundred birthday. Happy Birthday.”
And from OnTheRadio, Vernon we wish you a very happy birthday for Sunday!