Moorlands Radio returns for 2nd broadcast

A local radio station on air last December has vowed to return to the airwaves in 2004.

Following the December RSL of Moorlands Radio, Moorlands Residents have bombarded the station with letters, e-mails and phone calls of support. A local petition has been passed onto the station with over 400 names and addresses pledging support for the project.

Moorlands Radio have pledged to be back on air in the Autumn of this year subject to OFCOM approval for a trial broadcast covering Leek, Biddulph and Cheadle. The news of Moorlands Radio?s return comes in the week when OFCOM has announced the development of the third tier of radio broadcasting in the UK. ?Community Radio? licences will be rolled-out across the UK starting later this year.

This will allow local community radio stations like Moorlands Radio to gain a full time licence to broadcast all year round.

Moorlands Radio’s Programme Controller Mervyn Gamage told us: ?Community Radio will be different from commercial or BBC local radio stations, local community groups such as ours will have the opportunity to bid for a smaller scale licence such as Staffordshire Moorlands – an area which may not normally be granted due to it’s size. Moorlands Radio has welcomed this news.

Political support for Moorlands Radio has been good too; Charlotte Atkins MP; interviewed on the station?s launch day talked about the importance of Staffordshire Moorlands residents having a voice in the form of a community radio station and was pleased to be involved with the project from it?s infancy. Marcus Hayes, Conservative Spokesman for the Staffordshire Moorlands visited the station during the 28 day trial and pledged his full support for the station both on-air and in the local press.

Following an online vote from listeners through the station’s website; Moorlands Radio recently held an awards evening at the Swan in Leek to acknowledge the work that members of the station and supporters had put in. And to recognise the most popular programmes on the station. Advertisers, Presenters and Management were at the event which included an awards ceremony, buffet and a disco. At the end of the evening Councillor Steve Povey took to the stage for an unexpected speech where he thanked the Moorlands Radio team on behalf of the council and local people for providing the Moorlands with a voice and one of the best sounding radio stations he had heard. He paid tribute to the station; presenting Moorlands Radio’s Chairman Tony Mullins with the local council’s badge, usually only worn by local councillors; Mr Povey commented; As councillors, we wear this badge as represntatives of the community, in December, Moorlands Radio did just that.”

Work has already begun on the trial broadcast for later this year. RSL Director for the station Mike Sykes told us; ?It is our intention to build on the success of the December trial broadcast, the popular presenters heard in December will return, we will also be trialling some new and exiting programmes including live outside broadcasts and roadshows.?

The station is looking for new talent to get involved, from presenters to producers, Engineers to IT specialists. The teams within Moorlands Radio range from Presenting, PR, Advertising, Human Resources, Roadshows, Technical and Music. The station is also on the lookout for musical talent locally to feature on the music Playlist. All positions within the group are on a voluntary basis and full training is given for all positions.

For further information on getting involved with Moorlands Radio call Tony Mullins on 07766 986688 or e-mail Demo tapes for budding presenters or musicians can be send to Moorlands Radio, PO BOX 2324, Stoke-on-Trent, ST8 7WR.

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Posted on Tuesday, April 20th, 2004 at 6:22 am by RadioToday Staff

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