Ofcom has advertised a new local FM commercial radio licence to cover Kidderminster and the immediately surrounding area.
Ofcom estimates that this licence could achieve coverage of an area with an adult (aged 15+) population of around 100,000. The exact coverage will be determined by the location of the transmission site and other technical characteristics.
The closing date for the submission of applications is 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, 18 November 2004 . A non-refundable fee of ?1,500 will be payable for each application submitted.
The full details for this licence, including the guidelines and procedures for the submission of applications, can be obtained from the Ofcom website at:
The licence will be issued for a twelve year period. All applications for this licence will be published on the Ofcom website as soon as is practicable after the closing date. The anticipated timing of the licence award decisions will be announced within two weeks of the closing-date.
Ofcom welcomes the views of the public about the local radio needs of listeners in this area and the types of services required. Opinions on these issues can either be emailed to commercialradio@ofcom.org.uk or posted to Neil Stock , Head of Radio Planning & Licensing, Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road , London SE1 9HA .
Posted on Monday, August 23rd, 2004 at 11:59 am by RadioToday Staff