Ofcom today invites applications for a new type of low-cost local radio licence, in accordance with the requirements of Section 104(1) of the Broadcasting Act 1990 (as modified by the Community Radio Order 2004).
Community Radio licences are available to groups interested in broadcasting to smaller areas, usually within a 5km radius, on a not-for-profit basis for local social benefit.
The licences are being offered on either the FM or AM waveband in most parts of the UK. However, in some areas the availability of suitable radio frequencies may limit opportunities. Ofcom is not specifying where these radio stations should be. Instead, it is inviting applicants to identify the community or communities they wish to serve.
Further details including an application form and accompanying notes of guidance can be obtained from the Ofcom website at:
Or by writing to:
The Radio Planning & Licensing Team (Community Radio),
3rd Floor, Ofcom, Riverside House,
2a Southwark Bridge Road,
London SE1 9HA.
Email: communityradio@ofcom.org.uk.
A plain English summary setting out what Community Radio is, who can be involved, and how to apply for a licence is available from the Ofcom website at: www.ofcom.org.uk. Or from:
Ofcom Contact Centre,
Riverside House,
2a Southwark Bridge Road,
London SE1 9HA.
Email: contact@ofcom.org.uk.
Telephone: 0845 456 3000 or 020 7981 3040.
The closing date for the submission of completed applications is 5pm on Tuesday, 23 November 2004. A non-refundable application fee of ?600 is payable for each application submitted.
Licence applications will be assessed against statutory selection criteria, and awarded for a maximum of five years.
Posted on Wednesday, September 1st, 2004 at 7:19 am by RadioToday Staff