GTN grounds traffic spotting planes

Global Traffic Network’s UK operations have been significantly cut back as the company grounds all traffic spotting planes and outsources traffic service provision to Trafficlink.

GTN UK Managing Director Paul Hutton is also leaving the company, just weeks after Traffic Radio boss Will Jackson left.

The changes are being made after the take-over of the American parent company by venture capitalists last week and August’s closure of the Highways Agency’s Traffic Radio service, which GTN produced.

Paul says, “The Company in the UK has always been sales-focussed, but with the closure of Traffic Radio, and the decision to ground the traffic spotting planes and outsource the remaining traffic service provision to Trafficlink, there’s no longer a significant operational requirement.

“GTN UK is an extremely successful airtime sales outfit and, in John Quinn and Denise Perry, they have the best expertise to deliver outstanding revenue.

“I am very proud of my role in starting up GTN in the UK and helping make it what it is today. It’s been a fascinating five years. I wish John, Denise and the team all the very best for the future – they’re a great bunch of talented people and it’s been fun working with them”.

Paul Hutton is setting up his own business, PH Initiatives, which he says will develop some new business ideas and expand on his expertise in traffic and speech radio. The former Chiltern, Network News, IRN and Sky Sports reporter is also hoping for a part-time return to broadcasting, saying it’s always been his first love and something he’s missed while being a “suit”.

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