Radio 3 joins year of Britten celebrations

The BBC is to dedicate a year of performance and programming to the life and work of Benjamin Britten, with Radio 3 playing its part.

The classical music network will begin the year with English National Opera’s Billy Budd, the first of BBC Radio 3’s broadcasts of every Britten opera throughout the year, and a series of Britten concertos at BBC Hoddinott Hall performed by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.

The station will also broadcast live from Aldeburgh in November 2013 for a weekend of programming beginning on the actual centenary of Britten’s birth. During the weekend the station will be resident in Aldeburgh, presenting a programme of live and specially recorded performances of Britten’s music from locations with strong Britten associations, including Aldeburgh, Snape, Orford and Lowestoft.

Roger Wright Controller, BBC Radio 3, Director of the BBC Proms, commented: “Britten is a significant part of the UK’s classical music history. His music and performances have inspired composers, performers and audiences alike. As the home of classical music, BBC Radio 3 is delighted to play a central part in the centenary celebrations. Along with the BBC’s Performing Groups we’re looking forward to bringing our audiences a range of Britten programming in this special year.”

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