Advertising agency RadioWorks joins IPA

London-based independent specialist radio advertising agency RadioWorks has been elected to the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising.

The IPA is the professional body for advertising, media and marketing and communications agencies, and this development makes RadioWorks the only current radio advertising member.

radioworksThe admission of RadioWorks and its sister brand Maple Street Studios, is a significant step forward for the company and radio advertisers, says Michael Charnley-Heaton, Founder and Group CEO: “We recognise the status that IPA membership will bring to our company and membership is a real endorsement of all that we’ve achieved since we launched over 20 years ago.

“The need for a radio specialist is now well established with RadioWorks, and membership of the IPA is recognition of the maturity of the business as well a great opportunity to train and develop our staff”.

“Radio is a key ingredient in the advertising mix” agreed Geoff Russell, IPA Director for Media Affairs.

“It is a traditional medium which has managed the neat trick of adapting very quickly to audience need and advertising responses in an age where the technological platform is ever-changing but always relies on instantaneous and targeted appeal. As such the work of RadioWorks will add an interesting dimension and insight to our membership.”

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