Bauer partners with Thorpe Park for Kiss

Kiss breakfast presenters Rickie, Melvin & Charlie have been filmed on the rides at Thorpe Park as part of a new promotion.

KISS-Rickie-Melvin-CharlieThe exclusive on-air and online deal means the national brand will encourage listeners to visit Thorpe Park to ‘Brave It Backwards’ on The Swarm ride.

Listeners will be directed to the station’s website to watch a video of the breakfast team experiencing the ride themselves.

In addition, the station is giving away park tickets with an overnight stay.

Karen Stacey, Broadcast Sales Director at Bauer Media, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Thorpe Park and this branded sponsorship deal is a great example of how advertisers can use Bauer Media brands to reach their target audience.

“The partnership is a great fit, with perfect brand synergy between Kiss FM and Thorpe Park.”

Kiss now broadcasts as a nation station via Digital One and on FM in London, East Anglia and the West.

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