Operation Ice Cream makes a return to BFBS

The BFBS Operation Ice Cream will be whipping up morale at garrisons and stations in 2013 for the fourth year running.

bfbs_icecreamAny event can call on the desert-camouflaged van to hand out free cones at events for service families, but those with troops deployed on Op Herrick are top priority.

OC of Op Ice Cream, Chris Pratt, said: “2012 was an amazing year for providing our ‘vanilla flavoured morale’ to Forces families and to troops deployed on Op Olympics. It was our busiest year yet and the Op Ice Cream team is looking forward to dishing out lots of smiles again throughout 2013.”

Op Ice Cream can cater for events with up to 1,000 people and normally stays for two hours, depending on the remoteness of the location. And while the van is on a base, there’s even the option of recording a message or dedication for a loved one on BFBS Radio.

Since 2010, the Op Ice Cream van has covered more than 50,000 miles in the UK and across British Forces Germany and the team has served up over 90,000 cones.

During London 2012, Op Ice Cream completed a special mission, as 4,500 free ice creams were served to troops working at the Olympic Games.

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