BFBS in Tarts for Troops charity event

BFBS Radio Presenters Hermina Campbell and Rachel Cochrane have hosted a 50’s-style Tarts For Troops Tea Party for charity.

bfbstartsThe event, held at Camp Bastion to fundraise for Blind Veterans UK, included hand made bunting and Glen Miller tracks to help set the scene at the BFBS studios.

The broadcasters wore headscarves and specially commissioned ‘combat’ pinnies as they served up cakes, pastries and tea – all generously donated by the UK Chefs Group.

“Troops from the British, Danish, American and Australian Forces popped in for tea and cakes. The Padres managed to join us between services too, and the GSM of Bastion also showed his support,” said Hermina.

“The party was a roaring success and the pinnies were a particular hit. Our guests enjoyed a break from the norm and helped us to raise just over $200 for Blind Veterans UK.”

Rachel Cochrane is broadcasting across the BFBS Radio network on the Total Ops Connection, Monday to Friday from 10 until 1pm UK time.

The station says Tarts For Troops is a tasty way to raise funds for Blind Veterans UK who give lifelong support to blind and visually impaired ex-servicemen and women. For more details and tart recipes visit

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