Community radio surveyed on future needs

A newly-launched radio consultancy is asking community radio stations around the UK to complete a survey to assess the current state of the sector.

‘The Radio People’ wants managers across community radio to fill in the 10-minute online questionnaire, which aims to provide a snapshot of how stations are faring, what resources they have available to them and what support they might need for the future.

Former Cheshire FM, Dune and Wire executive, David Duffy, is one of the team behind The Radio People – which has been set up to help with community and commercial licensing, compliance and recovery for under-performing stations. David told RadioToday: “It’s nine years since Ofcom first invited applications from communities that wanted to operate their own radio service. I remember it as if it was only yesterday. Since then over 200 stations have been licensed across the UK. But the economic landscape has changed dramatically since those early days and there has never been a more challenging time for community stations than now!”

Ofcom’s recently published Communication Market Report showed that the average income for community radio stations fell by 5.4% in the last 12 months. Average expenditure, meanwhile continues to exceed income.

David added: “We want community radio managers to invest just 10 minutes of their time to complete the 18 questions in the survey. In return, respondents will receive a personal copy of the completed report.”

If you’re running a community radio station, click here to complete the survey.

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Posted on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 at 3:03 pm by RadioToday Staff

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