YOUR Radio moves out of broadcast area

Dumbarton and Helensburgh station YOUR Radio has moved to 2 miles outside its TSA and into a building where its parent company’s newspaper assets are based.

Permission to make the move to Carus House in Clydebank was recently given by Ofcom, after the station said it was building new state-of-the-art studios there.

Making the request to the regulator earlier in the autumn, Programme Controller and breakfast presenter George Aitchison said: “Romanes Media Group has invested heavily in a local station at a time when other radio stations are networking their output. Substantial investment has been made available to Clyde Broadcast to build a first class studio complex.”

RMG own the majority of local newspapers in YOUR Radio’s TSA, which are part of Clyde & Forth Press Ltd. Mr Aitchison added: “Having the ability to share resources to cover local stories will benefit the radio station, making our local content even stronger. This move will enable us to use an additional 20 journalists within the business.”

YOUR Radio – formerly known as CastleRock FM – was previously based at Castlegreen Street in Dumbarton. The new studio base is within Ofcom’s Glasgow & South West Scotland ‘approved area’. Later this month the station will celebrate 10 years on the air.

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Posted on Monday, November 11th, 2013 at 4:31 pm by RadioToday Staff

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