Ofcom approves Nation Radio Format change

Nation Radio has been given permission to change its format from a modern rock station for 15-34 year olds to a male focussed, rock oriented music station.

The station will still promote local artists but won’t be restricted to appealing to one age group.

During the public consultation, 24 responses were received by Ofcom, the majority of which agreed with the changes. The regulator said: “The extent of the impact of the change on the character of service would be likely to be limited, given that the broadcaster would still be required to play rock music albeit with music tracks drawn from a wider rock repertoire. That said, the Committee recognised that the loss of the more specific ‘modern rock’ requirement would be a noticeable change felt by some listeners.”

Nation Radio says: “In short, since no other significant service in South Wales, other than Nation, has a rock music target nor attracts a predominantly male audience, this change cannot narrow the range of relevant independent radio services.”

The station says the amended format is evolution, not revolution and will continue to appeal to a similar target market, with its character grounded in a male-focused, rock led format.

The station was originally licensed as a brand extension for XFM London in 2007 but is now championing that all output is and will remain “Made in Wales”.

The new Format for Nation Radio will read as follows:


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