Kiss Breakfast team to join Radio 1 for late show

Kiss breakfast trio Rickie, Melvin and Charlie are leaving Bauer to join BBC Radio 1 as hosts of the new weekday late show from next year.

They take over the Monday to Thursday 9-11pm slot following the departure of Charlie Sloth last month.

Rickie Williams, Melvin Odoom and Charlie Hedges have been on Kiss for the last decade and currently do the biggest commercial radio breakfast show in London.

The BBC says the new show will feature “those candid conversations between friends – after the watershed – while playing new music chosen by Rickie, Melvin and Charlie”.

Rickie and Melvin previously worked at 1Xtra as producers before joining Kiss to present weekend breakfast in 2006. They later moved to the weekday breakfast show with Charlie joining them in 2009.

Rickie, Melvin and Charlie say: “We’re so excited to be joining the Radio 1 family and bringing all our energy and entertainment to the station. Hearing a new side to us as we get to showcase the music we love.”

Ben Cooper, Controller, Radio 1 & 1Xtra says: “Radio 1 needs to keep disrupting, keep changing, keep surprising our audiences and our industry. Can’t wait to tune in to hear Rickie, Melvin and Charlie on Radio 1 with an exciting mix of late night humour and great new music.”

Andy Roberts, Group Programme Director KISS told RadioToday: “Rickie, Melvin and Charlie have had a record breaking ten years on KISS Breakfast, during that time claiming the crown as both the biggest commercial breakfast show in London and across the UK. All at KISS wish them the very best of luck for the future. We’ll be announcing exciting plans for KISS Breakfast very soon!”

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