Indie gets new BBC Radio 4 comedy pilot about dads

Independent production company Made in Manchester has created a brand new comedy pilot show for BBC Radio 4.

The Likely Dads is a late-night ‘comedy conversation’ in which five dads discuss what it’s like to be a father in modern Britain.

The chat is presented by former Blue Peter presenter Tim Vincent with comedians Russell Kane, Sean Hegarty Mick Ferry and comedy actor Jonathan Kydd.

The panel joins Tim for a pilot episode in which they talk about everything from sleep (or lack thereof), pregnancy and toilet training, to dealing with children in restaurants, being the only dad at playgroup and whether there’s anything that dads do better than mums.

Presenter Tim Vincent or ‘Twin Vincent as he’s dubbed himself for this says: “As a new father for the first time at 47 of twin boys, I am delighted to be hosting a show joined by other dads who have tips, insights and warnings about parenthood. Are dads disadvantaged, do we really know less than mums and what are the politics of the schoolyard gate? ‘The Likely Dads’ is a safe haven for men to get things off their chest, a bit like AA but the bottles we discuss contain powdered milk.’

Made in Manchester Producer and Likely Dads creator Kurt Brookes says: “I couldn’t be more thrilled that BBC Radio 4 has taken a punt on “The Likely Dads”. More and more fathers are taking an active role in raising their children but are too afraid to say what they really think in what is still a very female-centric role and, as such, we rarely hear those same sorts of thoughts in the media. “The Likely Dads” doesn’t pull any punches and no topic is off-limits.”

MIM Creative Director Ashley Byrne added: “There are so many topics you can cover around being a Dad so we are hopeful this will become a series. And the pilot commission is a great way to start our 15th year.”

The Likely Dads pilot episode will air on Radio 4 at 11pm on February 27th. The producer is Kurt Brookes, The executive producer is MIM Creative Director Ashley Byrne and it’s a Made in Manchester Production for BBC Radio 4.

In the photo: Left to right – Russell Kane, Jonathan Kydd, Mick Ferry, Tim Vincent and Sean Hegarty.

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Posted on Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 at 9:52 am by RadioToday Staff

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